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Frank Wilczek at Unitarian Universalist service on Sunday July 18 - Presentation attached

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Professor Wilczek to speak via Zoom at Unitarian Universalist service on Sunday July 18, .

Professor Wilczek has been invited to speak at a Unitarian Universalist Sunday service on the theme Our Place in The Universe. His presentation will be accompanied by poetry from Robert Frost and Rainer Maria Rilke on this theme, and music by Bach and Schuman. “The spirit of the scientific enterprise,” Professor Wilczek has written, “transcends specific dogmas, whether religious or anti-religious. I like to state it this way: In studying how the world works, we are studying how God works, and thereby learning what God is. In that spirit we can interpret the search for knowledge as a form of worship, and our discoveries as revelations.”

Feel free to join the UU congregation of Newton Massachusetts in this service at 10:15 ET on Sunday July 18. Here's the Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 974 3023 5052

Passcode: 139033

Dial by your location 646- 558 8656 (New York)

Click on this link to see the presentation: Complementarity_unitarian


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